Thursday, September 27, 2012

Global Warming

Global warming is a recently discovered phenomenon that not many people understand. Here are some facts:
1.  Global warming is the rise in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere and its projected continuation
2. Probably cause by human activities like deforestation and burning fossil fuels, which all increase the concentration of green house gases in the atmosphere.
3. The possible effects of rise in temperature include a rise in sea level, retreat of glaciers, more extreme weather events like droughts and heat waves. (picture to the left)

Most people discount global warming by saying that while it will change the environment but will not effect them. This is completely untrue. Global warming could harm human health. One of the most obvious issues is the direct effect that a natural disaster could have on human populations. Think about the number of lives lost to hurricane Katrina. The disasters brought on by Global warming will be much worse as far as the damage goes. This could have short term and long term health concerns. Short term concerns are immediate death and loss of transportation. Long term affects could include a contaminated water supply. This could be catastrophic if it occurs on the level some scientists describe.

Natural disasters can also cause disease epidemics. Cholera, for example, comes from contaminated water. In a crisis, disease can spread much more quickly and responders have much less time to act. So global warming will not only cause short term health issues but could ultimately result in pandemics.

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